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M.U.G.E.N said:
So guys I am going to make a new poll to gather your opinion. Feel free ot make a post about your view as well

We have seen MANY people saying..if I wanted console like experiences I would go for a home console. This is their reason for looking down on games such as AC, Uncharted etc on vita. So I want to see what everyone thinks of this. What kind of games do you want the most from the system?

OK. Here's mine

I want full fledged console game experience on the go. Ever since the SNES era, I've dreemed of bringing Street Fighter II Championship Edition with me everywhere I go. (Yeah, Street Fighter II was all the rage back then and the SNES version was just amazing back in the day).

The Gameboy was a great piece of hardware back then but I also owned a Gamegear and a Lynx at one time or the other and I found those two far better than the Gameboy. Only problem was that the Gamegear and the Lynx were power hungry beasts that sucked the life out of AA batteries like no ones business.

Then game the GBA, it was like! DAMN! This is awesome! SNES quality games! Even better! like that GBA Tekken Advance game. It was sweet! But I felt it was still lacking since you know, the PSOne was awesome! The PS2 was awesome!

Then came the DS and the PSP. The DS had a bunch of great games, but still lacking for me. Then I got the PSP and I never looked back! great graphics and console style gameplay on the go! I was in love! But again, I still found some games lacking like dynasy warriors. It was not like the console version with huge ass stages and a shit load of enemies. The PSP was almost there but not quite.

And now, I have the PS Vita and IT IS AWESOME!! Gravity Rush, SF X Tk, Disgaea 3, Persona 4, Ragnarok Odyssey and LBPV! All console quality games that offer console quality gaming experience! A dream come true! I dont know If I'm in the minority or what or if I'm just the odd one out, but everyone who claimes that people dont want home console gaming experience on the go can suck it!