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BlueFalcon said:
RolStoppable said:
It's not ridiculous when the only games you play rely on technological advancement. Don't brush off other people's opinion, just because you aren't a shallow gamer like them.

Look at some great PC indie games like Braid, Limbo, Bastion, Super Meatboy, Trine 2, Torchlight 1/2, etc. None of those games has mind-blowing graphics but they are beautiful artistically and fun to play. That said it doesn't mean we don't need next generation graphics. If graphics didn't advance, even those games woulnd't be possible. If graphics didn't advance Super Mario 64 and Goldeneye would never have been possible. It's also not just about graphics but you need more powerful hardware to render larger game worlds, with more NPCs and the CPU allows you to make the AI more advanced. It doesn't at all mean that games with outdated graphics are not playable. I have Sega Genesis collection and I enjoy games like Vectorman or Shinobi from time to time. However, a next generation console is a lot about next generation graphics too. Wouldn't you want a game like Legend of Zelda to have the option to have mature looking characters with mind-blowing graphics? It would be like playing Lord of the Rings movie in real time :)

You see the problem with relying on things like graphics, AI, larger game worlds etc, doesn't necessarily mean you get an improved game and I cannot stress that enough.

I can only speak for myself but I rather play a 16-bit gameplay masterpiece than a CGI looking game that plays like a turd, and from what I saw in the 7th gen the more emphasis that is placed on graphics the more gameplay suffers. To be honest most of the so called HD AAA titles I would not even give a second look given the chance, but with this gen I had to resort to playing them as they were the default.

I have yet to gain interest in the wiiU but i have faith nintendo would probably deliver in terms of gameplay, but if MS, Sony , 3rd parties continue to deliver those underwhelming games they can count me out. I guess I would have to stick to the 3ds for this upcoming gen if everyone fails to deliver, which I have no problem with so far, and guess how much powerful the 3ds is compared to those systems.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)