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Even if the jump won't be as large graphically, if developers have to significantly cut corners to get 3rd party multi-platform games to even run on the Wii U, or worse, some of those games in 2017-2018 will be so advanced they wouldn't even be able to run on the Wii U, then the console would be in trouble. I think BF4 is launching on the Wii U this fall which sounds promising. It'll be interesting to compare how that game looks. If BF4 on the Wii U doesn't completely blow away BF3 on PS360 consoles by end of this year, Wii U is in serious trouble in the eyes of 3rd parties since if a major developer can't even get a game like BF4 to look next gen on the Wii U, who else is going to spend even more $$ to attempt doing so? And if 3rd party games can't come pretty close to polish and level of graphics of PS4/720's versions, most people will just not buy them for the Wii U.