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pokoko said:
Some gamers spend more time looking backwards than forwards and I think he's one of them. Personally, while I sometimes think it would be nifty if they brought certain characters back, it's not a necessity. It's not something I must have as a gamer. Likewise, I don't really care if characters are realistic or cartoonish, as long as they fit the worlds where they exist. I can enjoy playing all different types of games with all different types of characters. That's part of the reason why I think Sony's development organization is better now than it's ever been.

Usually I'm a live-and-let-live kind of gamer. Personal taste is personal taste. However, gamers that always slag off on other genres and game styles really annoy me, even if they're genres and styles I don't enjoy myself. Part of the reason I stopped going to Destructoid (besides Jim Sterling) was Jonathon Holmes' constant harping on how games shouldn't have complex storylines or plots. It annoyed the fuck out of me how he'd sneak in little jabs everywhere, as though anything that told a story was somehow inherently inferior.

The guy who wrote the OP isn't nearly that bad, he's not saying Sony is horrible now, not exactly, but he does sound like he's made up his mind to not like anything developed after the PS1, and I find that kind of silly.

I know what you mean.  People expect everyone to be like Nintendo and never leave an IP.  ND and Insomniac probably could've made 1 or 2 more games of their PSone classics but I've seen interviews and statements that basically say they were tired of making and by the third game they had exhausted all the ideas they had for their franchises.  I spoke to someone this week who said he wouldn't get back into gaming until Spyro and Crash came back just like the old times.  I tried telling him about all the awesome new games that I loved this gen but all he wanted was Pokemon, Crash, and Spyro and never tried new stuff.

The only thing I would ask of Sony is make a few of your own worlds again.  Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Infamous, and Resistance were all very uncreative in this aspect.  From Ratchet to Jak to Spyro to Crash to Sly I know these devs can make a unique world not based on our own and I just want to see them reflect that creativity a little more.  Those franchises all did some cool stuff with story like alternate timelines and superheros but in the end they were very realistic as far as playing as humans in real cities.  When I popped in one of those classic platformers I loved having a new world to explore or some silly animal to play as.  I get they want to be mature and I know MM did LBP and they have Puppeteer, but I'm just asking for SP, ND, or Insomniac to make something in a new world again.

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