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I actually really enjoyed playing through Spyro on PS3 with my GF at the time was really a blast. :)

I don't really blame Sony for how gaming has turned over the years.

I think a lot of it has to do with what people buying now days and people not being aware of certain games being out there. There are still a few good games out there.

I think what has been lost though, is a certain fun vibe gaming in the 1990s and early 2000s had. Its more of an overall change in aesthetics, gameplay, cutscenes, etc.

And they way people are so extreme with the metacritc crap now days is ridiculous, I buy tons of fun games that got 60%-80% ratings since forever. I think that a lot of the change came with the overwhelming prevalence of online media/advertising now days.

Sometimes it takes a bit to just step back and enjoy those few gaming gems left. Wherever you can find them.

But yeah, I don't really buy any games that take themselves seriously now days, just not worth it for me

So, I say, play for fun, or seriously just go do about anything else for fun (like walking the park, or swimming, or climbing trees, or doing yoga, or meditating, or tumbling, or building with legos, or sparring with foam weapons, etc., etc.).

Life is too short to be worrying about the state of the entertainment industry. :P