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RazorDragon said:
bananaking21 said:

 they offer great games on pretty much every genre, something that nintendo and MS are not even close to doing

Oh, but that's not true. Which puzzle game does Sony owns the IP? None that i know. Microsoft has Hexic, Nintendo has Ketzal's Corridors. RTS? Nope. Microsoft has Halo Wars, Nintendo has Advance Wars. Simulators? Nintendo has Steel Diver. Microsoft has Flight Simulator. I guess i could find a few other genres that Sony doesn't has a competing game.

First off, the errors:

1. Advance Wars is not an RTS.  It's a turn-based strategy game.  If that's considered real-time then so is Disgaea or FF Tactics.

2. As far as I know MS has never released Flight SImulator on either XBox system.  It's a PC-only release.

3. Steel Driver is a side-scroller and not a sumulator.   A simulator "simulates" realism in the control, whether it'd be a plane, a car, or a submarine in this case.  In this game, you control the submarine by moving up/down and left/right.  Not exactly a very realistic representation on how to operate a submarine.


Now for your initial question:

Puzzle - Echochrome, Piyotama

RTS - PixelJunk, Savage Moon

Simulation - Gran Turismo