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RazorDragon said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
RazorDragon said:
bananaking21 said:

 they offer great games on pretty much every genre, something that nintendo and MS are not even close to doing

Oh, but that's not true. Which hack'n slash game does Sony owns the IP? None that i know. Microsoft has Ninety-Nine Nights, Nintendo has Pandora's Tower. RTS? Nope. Microsoft has Halo Wars, Nintendo has Advance Wars. Simulators? Nintendo has Steel Diver. Microsoft has Flight Simulator. I guess i could find a few other genres that Sony doesn't has a competing game.

Hack N Slash: God of War and Heavenly Sword. Sony has more competing games in various genres than Microsoft. They have numerous platformers, shooters, puzzle, gameshow and casual titles to boot. Look harder if you plan on discrediting them. They've put out more IP's than Nintendo and Microsoft this gen.

I know, completely forgot about the awesome God of War. Already edited my post to another genre which(i think) Sony doesn't have a competitor game on: puzzlers.


Not planning on descrediting them, but most IP's they've put out this generation are shooters and Indigo Prophecy-like games(can't figure a genre for that).