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Used games is no different than used cars, books, magazines, toys, clothes, and women.

If I buy it, I should own it and be able to use or resell it as I please. In reality this frees up a portion of my income to purchase more content and if I'm likely a purchaser of the item new, then I'm likely to purchase new again.

A thriving used market has not destroyed any other industry and in fact, I'd argue it simply makes them stronger as it lowers the barrier of entry for new comers who very well may "upgrade" to new content as they realize how much they like the content overall.

The problem is places like Gamestop who rip people off (coming and going) vs a normal free market scenario like Ebay.

I detest the assault on used software and think its greed and completely unwarranted. If they want to make more money, all they need to do is focus on quality games and strive to provide it on as many platforms as they can. There are nearly universal engines out there.