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8,000 signatures so far... thats probably just a little less than they expected to sell on the platform... (please don't shoot me for my humour)... ;)

So gamers aren't taken seriously because they want a game that was already finished and would be released in two weeks to be released in the expected date? The logic is strong with you, man

Sure it's disappointing the game is ready (and I fully understand that)..., but they have obviously thought about why they shouldn't release it now. Whether you agree with them or not, they are totally within their right to not release it. Just like people are entitled to consider not buying the game when it comes out.

Gamers are not taken seriously because people who are apparently adults are getting angry with rage. You know what.. I've read serious comments about killing, sacking and bombing of Ubisoft staff. As well as the normal swearing/suing a company rage that normally frequents game company sites forums. Personally I am sick of it.