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I think it helps, but it's not the sole reason (or even main reason)...bunch of are a few off the top of my head.

1. The fall price drop and Holiday sales increased the user base drastically, this causes more people to become favorably aware of the ps3 (friend sees it at another friends house and say, "ooh, I want one too" and, "hmm, the ps3 isn't as bad as I thought", etc.)
Gathers momentum with the more people that own it...

2. Blu-ray has won the format war (don't even bother saying it hasn't)

3. Good software coming out -- Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, CoD4, UT3, Ratchet & Clank, etc.

4. Price is much more reasonable now.

5. Media has stopped crucifying the ps3.

6. Big exclusives on the horizon. (MGS4, Home, LBP, WKS, KZII, Haze, GT5:P, SOCOM, FFXIII) Many of those are proven IP's (not all), not over-hyped unprovens (like Heavenly Sword, Folklore, & Lair were)

7. Some good games are starting to drop in price...people are more inclined to buy a ps3 now because some "good" games are $30-40; whereas, before EVERYTHING was $60. Rumor of "Greatest Hits" coming soon for $30.


Anyhow, good things just keep happening and the momentum just keeps growing. Lol, that's why I can't believe that MS would be dumb enough to allow themselves to be put in a "supply constrained" situation. You expect better projections and logistics and planning from such a big, wealthy, successful corp. Nintendo and MS didn't deal the knockout punch, and now Sony is really starting to swing back.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450