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Starcraft you have no clue about retail.

When you are overstocked of items that aren't selling you do 1 of 3 things.

Slash price and eat your loss. (Its better than you not getting ANY money back)

STOP ordering more. (If there is a reason they aren't selling You just have to wait it out. If retailers believe they'll push out their overstock that way they'll do it.)

Or send it back to the manufacturer and get a refund. (Self explanitory)

Anyways. They aren't selling more than PS3 and Sony doesn't have shortages. They believed they would only sell 30-40k a week? Don't give me that.

They are probablly lying about shortages. They are probablly trying to stock pile for a big release/price cut so they wont get a shortage during that crucial period. There is no excuse to have a shortage 3 years after.