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Ronster316 said:
Usual suspects saying they would "go pc only" or "quit gaming"........... hahahahahahaha.

I never have and NEVER WILL like sony.......... but at the end of the day, i'm a gamer first and a hater second.

When SEGA left, sure, it fooking hurt, it still does in fact, but theres no way in hell i would quit gaming over any company leaving the hardware or software business.

My solution for my disdain for sony is to buy as much as humanly possible of theirs second hand. (got my ps3 in December for £160 from HMV second hand, i have 30 games for the ps3, 26 of those are second hand retail games, 4 are psn light gun games that also line Capcom and SEGA's pockets anyway)

And yes, like some others in here, i would fooking celebrate and i have no problem admitting that.