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JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

No, you and a few other guys think you know better then the EA CEO and the DF team. Surprisingly I'm going to go with the experts, not the randoms on a forum, over this topic. 

Then go ahead.  Nobody cares what you think.  If you want to keep asking the same question then go back and read the other 100 responses in this thread who has already told you. Like i said in the beginning I will have the majority on this topic.  Anyways though have a good day.

People sure as hell don't care what you think. However they do care about what the EA CEO and DF team think though lol...

I'm not sure why you think you're right and the experts are wrong, but that is what you are saying. You don't have the majority on this topic - that's just some random claim you made and never backed up. Plus let's ask Gallelio how that majority thinking works out *facepalm*

You're going against the experts - you are only going to lose. 

Nah im just going against two people who thinks it is underpowered.  Big difference but as I said.......Nevermind. Leave kid.  Read the other 100 responses and stop repeating yourself.  The mods should have came in here a long time ago. Also you seem to leave out the other thousands of people who are "experts" Do you know what they think too? nooooope. Now leave

The DF team and EA CEO. You're going against experts, not two random people. That is a big difference. 

You call me kid when you are here stating that your opinions is worth more than the technical analysis done by experts. K. If you say so. Your "evidence" = your unfounded opinion. EA CEO and DF team actually know what they are talking about. 

What other "thousands of experts"? *facepalm* Don't make random claims. Not knowing what people think =/= valid argument.