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Player1x3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Player1x3 said:
This might seem off topic, but can anyone who had experience in P90X recommend a good diet for gaining muscle mass?

P90x is not that great for gaining muscle mass.  it is more geared for losing weight, you can gain weight but there is better ways of doing it.  Anyways if you are trying to gain muscle mass, just like losing weight 90% of it is done in the kitchen.  You need to consume more calories than you burn and of course workout.  A high Protein diet is the best for this but the most important thing is to eat an excess amount of calories. The main reason for a high protein diet while gaining muscle is because protein is the building blocks for muscles.  When you work out you are tearing your muscle and protein is needed to make torn muscle fibers grow. You will gain fat while gaining muscle but that is ok.  There are two routines that you will be following.  the first would be to bulk and then lose your body fat once you are finished bulking. 

So do you have any suggestion what kind of nutrution plan should i follow within P90x, since i already have a low body fat?

If you are trying to build body mass then you will need to eat a lot.  That depends on how much you weigh though.  How much do you weigh?  Ill put some foods up that is good for building mass as well.

EDIT: Also your height