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The Wii U is indeed a next gen console, it is after all an 8th generation machine who is the spiritual successor to it's 7th generation console the Wii.

The main problem which causes confusion is 'hardware performance', you see despite the Wii U actually being an 8th generation console by definition, it's hardware performance is that of the 7th generation machine, this is why the Wii U often gets labelled as a 7th gen console.

Generation by Definition:
Gen5: N64, Saturn, PS1
Gen6: GCN, Xbox, PS2, Dreamcast (the forgotten console)
Gen7: Wii, X360, PS3
Gen8: WiiU, X720, PS4

Generation by hardware Performance;
Gen5: N64, Saturn, PS1
Gen6: Wii, GCN, Xbox, PS2, Dreamcast (the forgotten console)
Gen7: WiiU, X360, PS3
Gen8: X720, PS4

Hardware performance is very important, not only because it allows for prettier graphics and the like, it also allows for other non gaming services. Seeing as the technology industry is moving towards convergence, so too are the console. Currently there are two products, Mobile phones and TV's who have in recent times gone from basic functions to devices which support computer like entertainment with Smart phones and Smart TV's.

I see consoles as being the 3rd pillar to this convergence, Both Sony and Microsoft clearly see this and have been moving in that direction since the PS3 and Xbox360 launched, Nintendo however, are just getting the feet wet but have a long way to go.

I know Nintendo fans will tout that it's all about the games, and how Nintendo is providing a unique gaming experience, while true, the era of 'just' a gaming devices are over, we are now in an era of convergence, meaning gaming console will have to provide service other than gaming to stay relevant. This is something that both Sony and Microsoft understand, but Nintendo seems to lack... The sad thing is, is that Nintendo fans deserve better, in fact Nintendo fans should demand for better, complacency will not help keep Nintendo relevant in the years to come. Fans should always demand for more.

Anyways, thats how I see things, take it as you like.