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Hynad said:
Mazty said:
Hynad said:
Mazty said:

Vita and xbox glass. Eyetoy didn't make the PS2 jump a generation. One thing =/= " numerous technological advances over the previous generation"

Oh really? Those were the main control scheme for their consoles? Those functionalities weren't used nearly to the extent the Wii U uses them, if at all. And what about asymetrical gameplay? Not to mention the social aspect of MiiVerse, not done on any other consoles, among other things. Nah. You have nothing. You base everything on horsepower. And even with that, you fail to realise the direct x 11 feature set equivalent that the Wii U is capable of,  a step up from last gen. Your argument fails. At this point, you argue just for the sake of it.

So how much of a difference has a touchscreen made in things like CoD and Darksiders? It's still a pad, with just a slight change. Plus you're ignoring the hardware underneath which shows an improvement in efficiency but we've yet to see anything that surpasses the PS3/360. 

Social aspect of Miiverse/aysmetrical gameplay =/= "numerous technological advances over the previous generation"

There is nothing about Miiverese or asymetrical gameplay that makes it next-gen. Hell, the sims has been around for ages so not sure why you think non-violent games is something special. 
If you don't base things on horsepower, every other argument so far just dissolves into contradiction and arbritary rules. Until the Wii U shows this step up from the next-gen, you are merely speculating it is next-gen. For all we know, unless you are a game dev, that the CPU may be bottle-necking the DX11 feature set. So far the exclusives haven't shown an improvment in graphics, and the ports perform considerably worse. 

As I said, for you graphics = defines a gen. 

Well then, I suppose you still play with a 2 button + stick pad, right?

No. I said hardware defines a gen, just like it does with everything else that exists, whether it's games or jet fighters.

Adding buttons is hardly a leap in a generation. Does then the bluray player of the PS3 put it a generation ahead of the 360 and Wii? See, as I said, if you ignore the power of the hardware, a lot of questions arise.