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Let's look at recent non-Nintendo sales.

Starting with MS, the Xbox 360 has declined from nearly 14m in the previous year to probably something a little above 10m this year.

With Sony, we all know about the massive success their new handheld has been. Their old handheld ain't doing so hot, either. As for their home consoles, the PS2, despite getting decent sales in recent years, has now been discontinued. The PS3 is doing alright, but, what with its significant yearly decline despite a hardware revision, you have to wonder how long that will last.

So overall, every non-Nintendo platform on the market, with the possible exception of the PS3, is demonstrating a substantial decline.

Yeah, it ain't just Nintendo.

Also, on the whole, the UK has become a much weaker market for Nintendo than anywhere else in the world. Just look at those software charts that came with the Nintendo financials. As such, UK numbers will be misleading for this kind of comparison.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx