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I totally get them not makeing it an exclusive that was dumb in the first place but to delay the wii u version just so they can release the other versions is really dumb. For me personally its a title i would buy rite now just because theres not allot of fresh titles out right now. In 6 months that may not be the case and it will probably not get my money. They need to do there homework and realize that there may only be about 3 million wii u's out there but most of the owners are starving for fresh games at this point and timeing is everything. If they dont change there mind i think they will regret it when the lego game drops and it sales like crazy just because people want something new. They need to remember too that allot of people buy nintendo to play with there kids and this is a family game. Thats allot bigger segment than whats out there for the mature games that are available. I think they are missing a big opportunity here.