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I stand by my statement that the WiiU is indeed the first what will presumably be the 8th Generation of consoles. These arguments about the power of a console determining a consoles "Generation" are simply incorrect. For example, the N64 was a 64-Bit console, and had superior graphical capabilities when compared with the PS1, which was only a 32-Bit console. Anyone who thinks that these two consoles were a apart of a different generation is simply wrong. The two were in direct competition with one another for sales and market share.

The Wii claimed a large casual market share, but the console was launched to challenge the PS3 and X360 in direct competition. It had its share of hardcore games. It was a 7th Generation console, there's no doubt about it.

Consequently, the successor to the Wii is the WiiU, and it is undeniably an 8th Generation Console.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits