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ShroudedDarkness said:

The targeting system is not better as 25% of the time I targeted the wrong ground enemy and 60% of the time, when trying to target an aerial enemy, I targeted a ground enemy instead.  There was absolutely no reason Ninja Theory couldn't have also coded in a manual lock.  And it also takes time to switch target for DmC, only now, unlike DMC 1, 3, and 4, I can't lock on to the enemy I want to and the aforementioned problem occurs.

Devil May Cry 4 Dante had 83 moves available to him at all times, so no, DmC Dante does not have more gameplay options.  And the fact that DmC has more options is due to the fact that the Xbox 360 and PS3 don't have extreme RAM limitations.  And DMC 3 Dante still manages to have 50% more moves overall.

And Devil May Cry 4 remedies the Style issue due to being on a system with more RAM.  If all DmC did was remedy situations that were already remedied in Devil May Cry 4, I fail to see what exactly it brought to the table.

Yes, great, so they added a single mechanic.  Problem?  Most enemies die too quickly on the first 3 difficulty levels to even use it very much.  And beyond that, due to the extremely limited moveset, it might add 10 new combinations to the mix.  I would have perferred they took the time it took to make that mechanic and put it into making more moves and maybe a new weapon.

Yes, such as the fact that Dante's whips have very few of the mechanics that Nero's Devil Bringer had other than pulling enemies to you and pulling yourself to enemies.  They also failed to bring in a counterpart to Nero's Exceed System.  They also have absolutely no counterpart to Devil May Cry 3 and 4 Dante's Royal Guard style.  They also fail to fully implement a replacement for the Trickster style and Dante has so few moves with his guns that it fails to compare to Gunslinger.  Overall, DmC Dante has well under half the total moveset that Devil May Cry 3 Dante had and 2/3 the moveset Devil May Cry 4 Dante had.

Yes, it's great your happy with the speed.  A lot of people aren't.

Yes, they force you to use weapons by limiting the moves that you can use due to the Color Coded enemies.  On higher difficulties, they spam the hell out of the Color Coded enemies, making for a tedious grind of "Okay, let me use the same 15 to 20 moves on these three enemies... each taking 45 seconds to kill since Osiris and Aquila are laughably weak" and "Oh great, I get to use the same 10 moves for these 4 enemies... joy!"  All the while making Rebellion and your guns completely useless.  It's annoying, tedious, limits the moves you can use tremendously, and is spammed the hell out of in later difficulties.  And the platforming boils down to this:  Do I have to pull a piece out, or pull myself too it?  Can I make this jump with single/double jump or do I have to do an Angel Glide?  At most, the hardest thing they'll throw at you is making it so that you have to pull yourself to an object and then quickly pull and object under you.  This is an absolute chore the second time through and gets progressively worse with each playthrough as it NEVER CHANGES.

*Spoilers* (Just incase someone who hasn't played the game reads this)

There are also:


-Unskippable cutscenes.

-Long loading times: why am I watching the same combo screen 4 and 5 times ina row for each level, only to find out that there are even more loading times in the level?  Why am I forced to watch entire 25 second sections of cutscenes due to loading times?

-Several glitches: You should see some of the glitch videos on youtube... it's almost embarrasing.  Just from what has happened to me, the enemies will sometimes get stuck in the level; Dante will sometimes get stuck in the level; Dante can glitch through the level and die; and the Dreamrunner can glitch into a wall.  Hell, I even had a Witch kill herself on several occasions due to ATTACKING HERSELF.

-Bad enemy pathfinding:  Hell, some enemies will just stop attacking, period, until I bash on them a bit.  Or maybe Vergil might keep walking around me for eternity since he can't decide how he wants to attack me.  Or Maybe Dreamrunner doesn't appear out of a portal for 30 seconds cause I'm moving too much and he can't seem to decide when to appear.

-Lag when changing weapons.

-Laughably bad boss fights: Mundus is a massive blob monster?  Who is pretty much a retread of the Posion fight?  Who is one of the easier bosses of the fight?  What the hell!  And the Hunter?  Easiest boss of all time and with Devil Trigger I can take him down in 10 seconds flat.

-Really bad AI:  Again, I've seen enemies kill THEMSELVES due to attacking themselves.  Or by running into enviromental hazards THEMSELVES.  Or by teleporting offscreen TO THEIR DEATH.  Or taking 20 seconds or more to attack A SINGLE TIME. 

-Rather large framerate drops on the PS3 version.

-An utterly broken Ranking System:  So I once did an experiment:  I purposefully died 5 times and used 10 items to see what my ranking would be.  Guess what?  It was STILL an A rank.  And now people have found glitches where you can die 147 times and STILL get an A rank and die 9 times and still get an SSS rank.

-Laughably unbalance gameplay:  Demon Dodge + Demon Weapon = SSSadistic with hundreds of thousands of point.  YOU WIN!  Demon Weapons do WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE in comparison to Angel weapons.  Seriously, I never used Angel weapons until the game FORCED me to use them due to the fact that I can get 12,000+ points for a single Demon Combo yet only 2,000+ points for a dozen angel combos.  This is just ONE of the ways the gameplay is unbalanced.

-Unbelievably easy difficulty.


It's fine to like the game.  But mechanically, programming, and balance wise it's a far cry from Bayonetta as well as Devil May Cry 3 and 4.

Why even hide it anymore with these legit criticisms?  They discovered the real reason we hate the game.  HIS FUCKING HAIR ISN'T WHITE!