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twesterm said:
libellule said:

and yes, many nintendo fan bash FF7 because it is, in part, what killed the N64 (when other FF7 have pushed the Nintendo system)

Find me one person that actually thinks that.

In a simple manner of speaking, that's not far from the truth.  I'm not saying it IS true though (don't jump to conclusions).  Just imagine if Square stayed on the N64's boat and released all of it's RPG's it released on the PS1.  Not just FF7 but FF8,9 Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross and a few others.  The N64 would've been much closer to the PS1's sales.  Of course, it would've cost Square heavily if they did due to the amount of content they were putting on FF7 making the games very expensive for consumers.  It would of taken away sales from the PS1 and added them to the N64 regardless though.


Another point I'd like to say is that A LOT of old school FF1-FF6 fans I have come across have always had a disliking for FF7.  They never give any applicable reasons other than the constant oyster fests you hear from typical trolls.  The move from Nintendo to Sony really hurt Nintendo, isn't it obvious the fans would be bitter?  It's basic human behavior.  For instance: Let's say I was a pro football player, I helped lead my team to victory for many years and was a prime reason for the teams success.  Then all of a sudden my contract expires and I need a place to keep working.  The obvious choice would be my current team, but due to family problems in another state I must refuse and then sign up for the team in said state (in reference to Square needing to use discs for their games instead of cartridges).  When I start playing for this new team I lead them to victory many years over my old team.  Don't you think my old teams' fans would be bitter?  They followed that old team for so long with me in it, and now they think I'm a traitor.  Tough biscuits. 

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