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He has played the previous games, as evidenced by his account videos. He even has one video for DMC3's Turbo mode, where he admits he didn't knew it existed before:

And while he is comparing DMC3's turbo mode to DmC in the footage, he sort of acknowledges it by saying it would be nice to get a Turbo mode in DmC, although he doesn't know if it's possible. You can blame him for not explicitly say that the DMC3's footage is Turbo mode, but not more than that. He also claims that they introduced new weapons that are intended to be slow and mentions an input delay that is specially noticeable when shifting stances.

Also, I for one see it slower than previous DMC games from the footage, and I think it's because of how they made the animations more realistic. This may be better for some people, but personally, realism is the last thing I care about when I play a fantasy game... Or any game, for that matter... And of course, the 60 fps can give you a feel of it being "faster" because of how the movements flow, but yes, I know the PC version has that option.

It seems to me he dosen't know much about the previous DMC games, because he says this reboot wasn't needed.

Lots of other people that have played the previous games claim this reboot wasn't needed... And no, DMC4 is not a reboot. New lead characters alone does not a reboot make. It's still the same universe, still the same Dante appearing, still within the original canon.

Hes wrong when he says the game should've been an alternate reality.

No. He's clearly arguing that the game should've been treated as a spin-off, as Mega Man Battle Network was, even showing an image of said Mega Man. The main difference being that if this game were to be considered a spin-off, we would know that it's not supposed to be a replacement for the main franchise. That we could still get a Devil May Cry 5. And I remember there being mixed messages from the game's PR regarding what this game was supposed to be before its release... I've actually seen a few people still believing that this is a prequel of some sort...

He's wrong at 6.00 mins where is says the game provides you with less options. The game provides you more gameplay options than DMC3 and DMC4, since I've played all the previous games I know that for a fact.

How ? How the game provides you with more options with the removal of lock-on, directional inputs and styles ? When the game limits you to fight certain enemies with the angel/demon weapons ? And doesn't the game has less weapons than DMC3 at least ? That's what I've heard, although I could be wrong about it. I'm all ears. Or eyes... Whatever...