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Here's a video review of the full game, not just the demo:

It points out the "flaws" of the game and arrives to the conclusion that the game is average at best. All of this, of course, is according to the reviewer's opinion. Now, could you please watch it and tell me exactly what makes this opinion invalid ? I know you will probably disagree, but there's a difference between disagreeing with an opinion and claiming it's wrong, so I want you to tell me exactly what invalidates his opinion, if anything does.

Given that there's no such a thing as a perfect game, that we're talking about many things that are subjective in nature, and that the game was already released, it seems ridiculous to me to argue that everyone who is against this game is just being ignorant about it, specially with no evidence whatsoever to support it. And if you don't really believe this, please stop throwing blanket statements about those who disagree with you and acknowledge the idea that others have valid opinions against this game.

Also, the idea that you have to play a game to know whether you'll enjoy or not is absolutely false, at least in this day and age. You can watch entire playthroughs of it on Youtube if you want, as well as reviews and many other related videos. You can see the aesthetic design and graphics, listen to the music, watch the story and gameplay, etc. Sure, it's true that you can't fully evaluate it without playing it because of some gameplay aspects, but you can know more than enough to decide whether you're interested in it, with more or less certainty depeding on how much information you have.

Or are you going to tell me that you buy or rent every game released to see if you like it or not ? That you never comment on any media without fully experience it ? That you don't have any kind of "filter" to choose what you're going to play next ? If so, you would be the first person I know, and probably not a human being...

Finally, let me just remind you guys that whatever excuse someone has to criticise people for not caring about a game does not excuse a sales flop, as this article implies. We, as consumers, are not morally obligated to buy every game released out there, or even just one where you slap the name of a franchise we previously enjoyed. It's the responsibility of the companies in charge of the creation of the game to appeal to us, as long as they want money from it. This is not me talking, it's capitalism. Hard to believe this needs to be said, but apparently it does...