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Words Of Wisdom said:
Entroper said:
twesterm said:

Have you actually seen them first hand or are you just pulling this out of your arse?

Am I really to believe that both games have these massive bug problems that I've never seen despite replaying them multiple times each on different computers? Even you must admit that from my standpoint that seems extremely farfetched.

Well I wouldn't say it's any uglier than the PS1 game, I know it's a while back now for the PC release so I don't know how much of a technical accomplishment it would've been to have it running at 640x480 (it's max resolution on PC), but I can easily say that other than that the PC version is god awful in comparison to the PS1 game.

 The MIDI music on the PC version is horrid, and the PC version was considerably buggy. I think just the music reason alone is enough to put me off from playing it after already going through the PS1 version.

 PC Ports have come a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.