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zero129 said:

Im far from closed minded, the ones who are closed minded are the ones who wants to comment on the game before they even play it and try using a crappy demo to justify their points, i too used to love the Old Dante and hated this game when i first seen it but guess what? i got over it, and got the game and now think its the Best game in the DMC franchis.

Dante starts changing to be more and more like the older dante as the game goes on!, he stops being such a douch like he is at the start.

Id imagine by the 2nd DmC game this new Dante would end up becoming alot like the old dante, People are forgetting this game is meant to be an Origins story.

Now there's your problem, crappy demo. If the demo sucked, then chances are, those who tried it will think that the final game will suck. A demo is suppose to show case what is great about a product, you see it all the time in malls and supermarkets, they demo tvs, appliances, even give samples of food and stuff and they try to show why this food is great or why that tv is awesome and so on and so forth.

Now with a crapy game demo, what else would people think? its CAPCOM's own fault for releasing a demo that sucked balls. If that demo sucked balls, why waste moneyz on the final product when you think it will still suck and that there is nothing else to base your decision on? Reviews? what for? there's a demo out.

Game developers just never learn, never ever ever EVER release a demo that sucks! If anything else, its better to release a demo that is supperior to the final product, that way people will think, hey the demo is awesome, final game must be full of win!!! Much like how a bigmac looks really ymmy on the menus only to be served a flat piece of a burger assembled like they just slaped on the ingredients together at warpseep.