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curl-6 said:

Godzilla didn't maintain his personality though, he's been everything from an actively cruel and violent villain to a goofy hero. And fi you want to talk changing origins, let's go back to Catwoman, whose supernatural origins in the Burton movies and that awful standalone  film were axed from the recent Nolan upate.

This tells me that you dont read or you dont understand what you're reading. I already mentioned that you can change the characters origin/back ground etc, but if the main identity of the character is retained ie, she's still catwoman, then no matter what other things changes the character will remain as catwoman. she's still a thief, she's still a cat, so even if she goes black or white or suddenly gets super powers like superman but still maintains that trait of her of being catwoman, then she's still catwoman.

Godzilla is a giant lizard monster who was mutated into what he is and can shoot lasers from his eyes and mouth. thats it, he does what he wants wether it be killing inocent people or saving them. thats his core attribute, he's a giant lizard. Did they change that? nope. again major fail on your part.

here's another for you, the karate kid. new one has jackie chan and that smith kid. he's black and does cool kung fu moves. They even changed the iconic crane kick. But did it work? yeah it did, the character retained the traits of the original, a kid who was being picked on and wanted to learn kung fu or karate or whatever. Too bad jackie sucked as mr miagi...that was lame and didn't do the original justice.

how about lara croft? her looks has been re booted lots of times, and yet, there's no mistaking that she still looks like lara. I can go on and on and on with various examples and you still probably wont get it.

how about green lantern? yeah, they never rebooted him since they just made new lanters, and it worked, which is what capcom should have done.

how about optimus prime? he's had so many different iterations that its funnys, optim prime, optimus primal etc etc, but he always retained that core of what made prime prime and that's his personality...he did kinda always look the same too.

The list goes on and on of charactes being re invented or modernized, yet they retained the core dynamics of the character. Unlike this new dante who is in no way or form what the original dante is all about.