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zero129 said:

+1 for this post. Anyone that would miss out on a great game and want to see it crash and burn just cos of a character change is very shallow imo (This is not directed at anyone in the forums)

No, its their right to feel angry because a character they liked or some even loved was so drastically changed that he is no longer recognizable.

If the makers of the movie saga twilight went and replaced "Edward" with someone else,  do you think it would have still garnered the support of its fans? nope! Replace Krsiten with someone else, would it affect ticket sales? you bet your ass it will.

You may think its shallow, but some people have invested feelings into the characters that they love or like and changing them drastically will just hurt their feelings. No matter how lame it is to be affected by such changes, which it is, it is still significant.

I fear that there are just to many close minded invididuals here, and yes you are one of them if you dont see why the fanbase decdided that this new DMC game with this new Dante isn't worht their money when the Dante that they know and love isn't there.