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curl-6 said:
Rafux said:


^ I have to say something about the character change, for me its not the physical change in Dante what bothers me its the essence in its character what really bothers me and I'm gonna have to use a comparison to explain my point:

Lets take 2009 Dragon Ball Evolution, its almost immposible to adapt DB to begin with and I knew the story would not be the same but all I wanted is that at least they maintain the essence of the characters, they didn't.

Movie Goku now has romantic interests, goes to parties, avoid fights, and says things like "I don't know if I can do this"

Thats not Goku, they failed to capture even his most basic traits.

Now lets see Dante:

Old Dante doesn't smoke, he doesn't curse, he is a goofy laid back guy who doesn't take things seriously until the moment of truth comes, he is sexy but not overly sexual, he is half-demon and half-human and thats what makes him so strong the human part in him makes us relate to him more. 

New Dante curses, smokes, drinks, has treesomes, is no longer human, punches a door guy who was just doing his job. Thats not Dante.


Batman and Joker are reinvented all the time but their basic traits remain, Batman doesn't kill, Joker is crazy, etc.

Not all characters that change keep their basic traits; Godzilla went from being a horrific nuclear menace to a benevolent protector.

Now, I'm not saying people have to LIKE changes to characters, but dramatic change has been accepted before.

But he is still a huge monster created by consequence of nuclear power is not like they change him to a fairy energized by the power of love, he is still a monster and we need him that way because you need a monster to fight other monsters.

Look at Vegeta from Dragon Ball, he went from being a villain to a good guy but he maintained his personality, he still was the proud warrior prince of planet Vegita until the end.