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CrashMan said:
Sqrl said:


How do you get 40m Wiis at 500k per week? With 5 weeks worth of sales data up right now there are 47 weeks remaining and at an average of 500k those 47 weeks would be 23.5m added to the current ~21.5m which is ~45m. Were you just aproximating or rounding or using a different calculation method? Elaborate please.

Well the numbers have been mid-upper 400s (hence the almost 500k) so that leaves it somewhere around 42 Mil by the end of the year on average, which I rounded conservatively to 40mil

 Fair enough. 

To be clear I didn't have a problem with your numbers, was just trying to figure out how you arrive there.  Actually my prediction for end of '08 last year was around 41m so the 40-42 range is around my mark....although I'm starting to think I may have aimed a bit low given the sales the last few weeks.. hopefully within a month we will have a clear trend we can look at. 

To Each Man, Responsibility