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I'm a bit surprised, but then again not really now that the hard numbers and specs are available.

I had figured on HD4850 level GPU processing power while the ever optimistic were assuming HD4870, despite the fact that the 4870 alone draws more power (wattage) than the Wii U under load. So that was pretty pie in the sky.

In retrospect, even the 4850 guestimate was too optimistic and maybe I shouldn't be surprised as again, it draws about the same power (wattage), maybe a bit more than the Wii U.

At the bare minimum, we'll get to see the next gen of Nintendo games in HD, like many would have liked to have seen last gen.

On the flip side, this is going to make 8th gen ports an issue with 3rd party developers and I would not be surprised to see their releases aping that of the Wii's with respect to the PS3 and XB360.

At any rate, I would sincerely hope any optimistic talk about the processing potential and graphical prowess of the Wii-U can now be put to bed and the focus for Nintendo fans can return to the games themselves as was the case with the Wii.