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A203D said:

Well I don't actually think the fans had much if anything to do with the cut in forecast sales.

Which really arn't that bad. They've forecast 1.2 mil by the end of the financial year (March 2013), down from 2 mil.

That dosen't prevent the game selling after March 2013. Its too early to say anything after 2 weeks of sales. But you have to think, DMC4 was a launch title, would DmC have faired better as a PS4/720 launch title?

If DMC5 came out 3 weeks ago would it have sold more than 2 mil copies? Personally I don't so. I think the game hasn't had a chance yet. Give it a few months then we'll see.

The other thing is I think Capcom would be smart releasing a special edition next year for the PS4/720. I'm sure the game will have good momentum. Give the game a chance first, its been only 2 weeks. Bayonetta didn't sell much in the first 2 weeks either, but it went on to sell 1.91 copies. This game will be fine!

You are now using Bayonetta as a measure of being "fine" ? I love Bayo but I don't think it made profit. 

But a DmC special edition is a great idea dude, remember that game you didn't bough the first time on last gen consoles and that is on the bargain bin right now selling for 15$? Well here it is again for 60$ for PS4/720. 

That worked for RE4 Wii Edition but only because of the motion controls.