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Well I don't necessarily agree that taxes should be abolished as the government needs to control some agencies and social needs of the people, therefore it needs to make money. We also need a strong military to ensure our way of life, within our own borders. Granted, US spends way to much on a lot of other shit and the overall system needs to be overhauled, but, a complete loss of all taxes is kinda stupid. A major reduction, yes, along as it coincided with a major balancing and reduction in various unneeded agencies and money pits. As for Ron Paul...I voted Green 8 years ago, Demo 4 years ago (mostly because I hated bush, actually liked Wesley Clark better)...he does have some good ideas, but some I think are unrealistic. Also, do you know his stance on Israel and if he receives loads of money from AIPAC (Jewish Lobby, second largest lobby in US)? Also what amount of soft money does he receive? This is one area that needs to be removed in our politics in general. Politicians should not be allowed these 'gifts' or bribes from companies and individuals. One of the reasons I like Nader. He has never received any soft monies and would complete make them illegal if he were to be president. Anywho, I respect your opinions and keep voting, that is the whole point to a Democracy.