_crazy_man_ said:
Just by looking at it even experts can't get a proper read of its real time performance. It's just that customized and hard to relate it to other known hardware to get a good guess. More time is needed, I mean this hasn't even been known for 2 days yet, and we only know about 1/2 of what is on the die. And the CPU die pic is on its way as well. On the hooking it up to test its capabilities...... The best indicator for that would probably to have a Wii U dev kit, that or the tech to be able to read such things is expensive or not readily available. |
Hence, the reason why the Wii U would still be able to hold it's own against the PS4/720 when it comes out. When everything is said and done it'll be about the games and how those games are suited to the system. This won't be another Wii vs PS360 gap I am sure of that.(I'm getting the 720 as my second system of choice after my Wii U) One thing for sure is that this coming E3 will be telling as we will see what dedicated Wii U games could do against the much hyped PS4/720.