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Marucha said:
Trunkin said:

Thanks for all the info(and the compliments :D). I think I'd mostly be using the tablet for short sessions, like practicing unfamiliar techniques, doodling poses, and drawing simple cartoons. I think it should be enough for that. Now if I could only find one for under $300. :P

Oh, and I'm a big fan of Hogarth! Although I haven't read that many artbooks, but I find the way he teaches to be very straightforward and to the point, and, like you said, they are good for memorizing parts, which I have a particularly difficult time with. Plus, I just love staring at his sketches. 

They are releasiing an 8-inch model soon. Maybe that will be in your pricepoint. The CPU is supposedly a wee bit higher... google galaxy note 8 inch, youll see pictures/news on it

I can't believe I didn't hear about this earlier. I thought I was on top of this stuff! I find 9in. tablets to be the perfect size, but 8 inches is pretty respectable too, and since it'll be using a standard TFT LCD screen, I'm guessing Samsung is aiming for $300 or less. I'm crossing my fingers for $250 for the 16gb Wifi model, though.