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BlueFalcon said:
Soundwave said:
Iwata already said they don't see a future in pursuing higher and higher end graphics because the cost to develop games will out weigh the possible return in most cases.

If that were true, 3rd parties would have been more likely to abandon PS4/Xbox 720 to make games for Wii U due to lower costs. Instead they are already abandoning the Wii U and workin on next gen games for PS4/Xbox 720. His theory isn't translating well in the real world.

If Wii U's games compared to PS4/720 look like Xbox 360 vs. PC today, people are going to think really hard before spending $300-350 on the Wii U:

Nintendo is going to need to drop the price to $229-249 by Q2 2014 I bet. By holiday 2014, I can see places like Costco having the Basic Wii U for $199, unless Nintendo launches the some amazing 1st party line-up of games we've seen during SNES/N64 days.

I would imagine the gap is going to be larger than that Crysis 3 vid shows.  While the textures are higher res on the PC, and has better lighting/shadowing, the poly count is probably about equal for both versions.  However, I would imagine the PS4/NeXbox are going to be able to produce a much higher amount of polygons than the Wii U.