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HesAPooka said:
Kasz216 said:
Michael-5 said:
Kasz216 said:

All available credible science shows that banning guns will accomplish nothing, and in fact likely makes the problem worse.

So your own disbelief mostly seems to stem from your lack of researching regarding the topic.

You'd find more scientific evidence to suggest banning videogames then you would guns.

Uhh... Really, that's your counter? I tell you that countries with laws that have lenient gun control polocies, and countries with free boarders to these countries have high high homicide rates, and countries with strict boarders do not, using your own data, and you say...

"My data says otherwise, despite you using it to make these claims."


Here, I'll give examples: Strict Boarders and strong regulations

Country-Homicide Rate

New Zealand-0.9
Hong Kong-0.2
South Korea-2.6

Weak Regulations, or Weak Boarder Control
North Korea-15.2 (LOL I had to add it)

BTW, Drugs are a much much bigger incfluence on homicide rates. The two regions of the world with the highest homicide rates are South America and West Africa. This is why Mexico's homicide rate is so high despite strong regulations (lots of smuggling). Even when you look at US states, while Nevada has a high homicide rate and gun ownership rate, it's also got a lot of drug related problems, same with Puerto Rico.

Kasz216 said:

The US has as far as i know the lowest amount of "Hot" home invasions... aka robberies in which people are home when robbed.  In the US you don't rob someone unless you are 100% sure they aren't home because criminals are more afraid of homeowners then police. (actual study).

You're also 3 times more likely to get shot when there is a home robbery when you carry a firearm vs. when you don't. I also really doubt USA's "Hot" Home Invasion rate is lower then Canadas.

A)Mexico and Russia both have some of the strictist gun control policies in the world... and Russia polices the hell out of it's borders.  If you want to debate this stuff you should really be researching it rather then just making assumptions on who does what based on what thier murder rates are.

B) In the UK it's about 4 times more likely that you end up in a "hot invasion".   Not sure about Canada but there is no reason to suggest it would be otherwise. People are more likely to break into your house while your there if they are convinced you aren't going to shoot them.  How is that not common sense?

They are also two of the most corrupt countries, and quite poor as well. Police in both countries can easily be bought off. When comparing gun violence in the US we should compare them to other developed countires such as: Canada, England, Norway, Sweden, and Japan. Not Russia, and Mexico.

You wouldn't consider Mexico and espiecally Russia developed nations?  What definition are you using for the term?

When compairing the USA to other OCED countries you get one result.  The US is a big outlier in homicides   Remove them from the equation and you end up with a very slight correlation that shows more firearms = less homicide.   With them in the equation you get the exact opposite.

End result?    A lot of people get murdered in the US with guns, because a lot of people get murdered in the US.  Why?   Look at who's doing it. 

It ONLY works with homicides afterall.

Violent crime wise.

Look at how much more violent a country Canada is compaired to America... doesn't fit perceptions, huh?