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Sorry but this has been done in poor taste - no one is omniscient. Just because you claim something is so doesn't make it so and as it stands, the gaming community is currently debating the status of the wii u and therefore the definition of what a next-gen console is.

This is highlighted when your post contains logical errors:

Error 1
"Next generation is simply the next step in technology for that company. For example PS1 to PS2, XBOX to X360, PSP to PSV, and now Wii to WiiU. "

What if it is the first step for that company? And why do you say the PS1 to PS2 is a step omitting the PSone?

Error 2
"In short: A console's generation is determined solely on which consoles it is in primary competition with"

Was the Wii really in competition with the PS3 or 360? The audience for the Wii was not the same audience as for the 360/PS3.
Therefore is the Wii a generation above or behind the PS3/360?

Your "definition" is not logically sound and a gross over-simplification of the many variables one has to consider with each and every console.