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On another note, analysis of the GPU of the Wii U leads me to believe that it is composed of 1 billion transistors. Thus making its GPU comfortably more powerful then the 360's and PS3's, but with only 1/2 and 1/4 the memory. What's the point I ask? Little point if the power can't be used in-game, due to low memory bandwidth. Let's say Nintendo is running the games at 640x480 and scaling them up. Then it requires just 2 MB of frame buffer memory - which is what it probably has via 2 MB of high-speed SRAM. That leaves 32 MB of EDRAM for caching texture and polygons, and operating on them. Not enough.

32 MB is not enough to hold a full game. Thus - it can put a few nice effects here and there, that's it. For instance normal mapping. More powerful then 360, but not that much powerful.