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ChichiriMuyo said:

It would assuredly be a $~300 machine and simply wouldn't be built to compete with the PS3 in graphics. Apple knows their consumer is the same as the new Nintendo consumer. Which is to say they don't care how the game looks, they care how fun it is to play.


Actually if you put the markets for the iPod and MacBooks into context really then yes: the market DO care more about style than substance. I'd say it's pretty much solid fact that there alot of MP3 players out there that piss on the functionality of the iPod, the only major difference being (and this is important to alot of people seemingly) that they don't look as nice as iPods do. Apple hardware is absurdly overpriced, and it's not because it's great either (which it is), but because it IS Apple hardware. 

I'm not trying to go off topic here, but I'd easily see Apple simply not trying if they did enter the console market. As long as they stick that logo on it, make the product super sleek and shiney then the sheep won't give a crap and could possibly gobble it up!

These days, owning an Apple product is more of a fashion statement than anything else, and really I think Apple know this. I don't think they'd stay alive five minutes in videogaming.