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I enjoyed the new trilogy. Sure it had a few rough spots, but so did the originals(if you can wade your way through the nostalgia to see it)and every film ever made. Though my favorite SW film can vary day-to-day, I often feel Episode I is my favorite.

I'm excited about this new project too. Sure, I'd rather it be a continuation of the trilogies, but I'm open what animation can bring to the table.

And for those saying GL is just "milking", do you actually think he needs to milk anything for money? He's just a guy that's passionate about his creation, and obviously still enjoys exploring the SW universe. If he wanted to actually milk SW, all he'd have to do is sign on the dotted line and hundreds of film makers would be willing to do this. His involvement in these projects makes it pretty clear that he's doing it because it's something he wants to do. And besides, it's his baby and he could milk it if he wanted to. :)

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."