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So when they see a Ferrari they automatically say its faster than a VW? Even tho they have no idea if the Ferrari has a steering wheel or tires at all?

Makes sense to me :)

To bad something like newer shader technology etc is not important at all and doesnt count as "next gen". I mean its so unimportat that all ps3 and 360 games still look like PS2 games just with higher resolution and more polys. There is nothing at all that uses the shader advantage of the 360/Ps3! /sarcasm

I mean seriously lets say WiiU will be able to handle nextbox etc shaders but the console will run at a lower resolution and at the same time the polycount will be a bit lower (PS2 vs XBOX1) then of course its on par with the 360 LOL.

To bad noone made a game called resident evil revelations that shows that despite the 3ds being less powerful than a Wii it can have better graphics.

P.S. Its nice to see that GEN is such a officially recognized and accepted term that we can CLEARLY say what is next and what is last gen etc.