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Fireforgey said:
oniyide said:
Fireforgey said:

Rolstoppable said:

So this another one of this thread's where you are trying to force your opinion on everyone.

Newsflash: Opinions differ and people can buy what they want with their money. So what you'll see in this thread will be a lot of people that tell you that they gladly paid $50 for Nintendo games and don't regret it one bit.

Also, if others are offering more interesting games at a much better price, then why aren't they outselling Nintendo games? The obvious answer is that others aren't offering more interesting games at better prices and their only option to even compete with Nintendo is to drastically undercut Nintendo's prices.

In my humble opinion, Nintendo is selling at that price on brand alone, and that can only go so far.

Had super mario been released on Steam with no prior name recognition, at 60$, you can be sure Trine 2 will destroy it in sales. Temple Run is selling much more than Nintendo games, so is Angry Birds, so if it's sales you need you have them. League of Legends probably has an immense userbase at the moment.

From Wikipedia: As of July 2012, League of Legends had over 32 million registrations and averages 12 million players worldwide per day, with the number of concurrent users online at any given time peaking over 3 million. Players also collectively log 1 billion hours per month, making League of Legends the world's most played video game[46][47]

People bought Mario for 50$, I'm thinking that with the increased competition from the marketplace, with games of IMHO competing value, the markup will no longer be in Nintendo's favor. I'm not sure how this is me imposing my opinions on anybody...

About the bold and underlined.


I refer you to Rayman Origins.  Very little brand recognition, but it was an awesome game that was recieved magnificantly.  It is now building up (not down mind you) a brand that is a 2D platformer priced at $60.  So.....Yeah.

problem is nobody bought Rayman Origins at that price. It dropped about 10 after only being on shelves for 2 weeks. A year after release it was being sold for twenty bucks.

You mean like every other front heavy (in terms of sales) FPS in existance? 


Honestly this proves my point perfectly.  People bought it at the price they deemed fair.  Most people thought, I don't know this franchise but it got good reviews I'll wait for a price drop.

Mario on the other hand, people are willing to pay full price for it, when they stop being will to do that (read never) it will sell steadly at $30 or even $20.  The fair price is currently $60.  I don't understand the point of this thread.

no, they dont, name me an FPS that dropped its price right after release and kept dropping for months on end? None of the heavy hitters have ever done that. The COD games sell full price sometimes even after their sequel releases. 

I agree with everything else you are saying for the most part. Rayman is a franchise that has been around for years. IMHO Ubi messed by relegating it to the terrible(IMHO) raving rabbids nonsense. As ive already stated if it aint a Mario game or possibly DK, its not going to put up massive numbers at those prices, even some of Ninty's other 2d platformers dont do as well, Wario, Kirby etc.