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To be clear I am sure PC gamers will have no problems playing PC games as my main issue is with getting more people into PC gaming. Is not as easy as go buy a 360 or PS3 or Wii. Some people just don't like or able to use a keyboard as a control. Yes the mouse gives great precision but again might be too much for some people. If I have a game if I want to bring it to my friends house I have to hope they can play it and what about local multiplayer if the game uses mouse and keyboard. Basically is a pain to get PC gaming to be mainstream and the main reason WoW and Sims or even rts games are so popular is because you typically play it online with fairly simple controls though rts can vary. Really PC gaming is about online vs console gamers for the most part have always been more about playing with near by friends and family locally. Is why people make fun of WoW players or actually MMO players as anti-social vs console players usually go to friends or family to play. I may have gereralise a bit much so feel free to correct me though bottomline PC gaming will not expand the way it currently operates.