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Hey guys, I just want to make something clear. I never accused Jordan of doping, I just said I believe he did. It is, right there in print, after all.

Second, you all have good points and counter arguments, but there are other forms of medication that are around today that were not around when Aaron was hitting all those home runs and now I am thinking you would want those banned as well. I mean, they give an edge that he never had, right?

The point being, I am fine with doping. I believe even sorry, scrub athletes use some HGH or steroids or both. I am not saying that everyone should agree with me, or that what I say is a fact, I am merely stating how it really is not such a bad thing. It has been going on longer than any of us can imagine (if you think it started somewhere in the early nineties... something is definitely wrong with you) and we really should not care.

If it is legal, then thee athlete uses it at their own discression. It is not habit forming as far as is known so there is a way to stop if one desires so. Smoking is worse than steroids in my opinion. Just let them do it because there is no real reason to stop them.

I know I just kind of rambled but I hope you get my point. It is part of an evolution that should not be denied. There is no serious logic to stoping it.

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