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Honestly. According to the latest pre-order chartz:


"Gears of War: Judgment (X360) added 7,431 pre-orders, up from 3,970 last week, for a total of 80,078. The game has fallen 903,000 pre-orders behind Gears of War III. The game is nine weeks away from launch in the USA, March 12, 2013."



For a series that is a very heavy front-loaded seller, why are Gears numbers so low? The 360 has a healthy install base, even while being outsold weekly globally by Ps3, in the US and continues to dominate the Ps3 there. Gears has always been a very popular US but I just don't understand these numbers. I haven't even done much research on what's been released on it, and I've still seen a lot of videos/gameplay/trailers released that looked pretty good. It seems like the same old Gears forumla we know and love, but with added gameplay elements and twists to keep it interesting. Plus the story might actually be the best in the series now that grumpy ol' Marcus Fenix isn't the main protagonist. 

Will GoW Judgement pick up???

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  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros