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What a weird complaint.

1) demand is there, so they keep selling at that price
2) those games are actually some of the best games available on the Wii and 3DS - or even best games period, depending on your tastes
3) I would argue that some of the downloadable games you mentioned are not in the same league, quantity or quality wise
4) and lastly, you can get them for less than the MSRP

2D Platformers are a tough sell at full price today, that's true. Nintendo is the exception, cause they are the king of platformers. Simple as that.

WHY are Nintendo the king of platformers? Well because they take 2D games as seriously as they did back in the 90s. People assume making a 2D game is a piece of cake, browser game style. It is! But then the result is going to be a turd. I'd argue that a brilliant 2D platformer is just as hard to make as it was back then, and just as hard as a 3D blockbuster. Only cheaper because of the smaller / fewer assets.