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happydolphin said:
RolStoppable said:
happydolphin said:

I understand, but when 2D games were not selling much in generations prior, and when now they found a massive boost chiefly thanks to the family appeal of the Wii, and when mobile and DD games are showing competing value, it's something to keep an eye out for.

You do realize that 2D games were not selling much, because for the most part they did not exist? They saw a massive boost, because they were being made again.

I just checked Crystal Shards and, in comparison to Epic Yarn, it sold decently.

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat sold really badly though.

Metroid Fusion sold ok.

Super Princess Peach sold ok, less than 1m.

Yoshi's story did pretty well at 3m.

Paper Mario 64 sold 1.38m.

Dr. Mario 64 sold bad.

It's all hit and miss honestly.

You mean.......Just like regular games?  I mena, what a revelation!!!!!!!!!! 2D platformers can sometimes sell really really well, and some can sometimes sell just ok or even (gasp!) badly.