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Final-Fan said:
veiam said:
If the next gen consoles are even pricier than this gen's consoles then I can see people going back to PC gaming due to the simple fact that PCs will be able to be made for cheaper than buying a console.

Also to get the HD benefit from a console you'd need an HDTV which costs a solid amount too, meanwhile, as far as i've heard, the use of an actual TV has been going down (50% of all .torrent files DLed have been of TV shows) therefore eventually you'd end up buying TVs just to play consoles. Meanwhile a laptop's screen is already 1200p, much better thana the best HDTV's out there.

I'm just waiting until consoles hit the $899 mark to see a rebound (Hopefully).
I predict 2050.

Seriously, do you think the console makers are blind? Sony may not have actually destroyed the Playstation brand but they came way too close for comfort and it was entirely due to having a massively expensive console. I've seen no one disagreeing until now with the idea that no console in the next gen is going to cost as much as the PS3 did at launch, so I would like to know why you think prices will go UP.

Moreover, PC prices are indeed falling but a PC in the same price range as consoles are NOT going to last as long for gaming as consoles.

And you seem to take trends like people watching more things on their computers (instead of TV) and assuming that those trends will continue forever, which is just silly. Obviously things will reach a new equilibrium and I think it's foolish to presume without very strong evidence that the new equilibrium will be "almost no one will watch TV in the future".

 I agree with the fact that console's probably won't cost that much for a while, but as far as TV's are concerned you obviously have not noticed that TC has been dying more and more due to the internet, TV stations themselves have started uploading some of their shows up for torrent or streaming them. This all comes from a simple reason, I don't wanna be limited to 9 PM tuesdays to watch House, I wanna watch it the next day at 6PM or whenever. TVs are on their way out as a whole when it comes to shows, not sports, but just general TV shows yes.