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RolStoppable said:
happydolphin said:

I understand, but when 2D games were not selling much in generations prior, and when now they found a massive boost chiefly thanks to the family appeal of the Wii, and when mobile and DD games are showing competing value, it's something to keep an eye out for.

You do realize that 2D games were not selling much, because for the most part they did not exist? They saw a massive boost, because they were being made again.

This is not true, PS1 had quite a few 2d games some of them were quite popular. Castlevania(did better than the n64 3d counterpart), Rayman, Crash(hybrid i know), Tomba, etc. The irony it was Ninty's own 64 that was lacking that department. Dont know what the hell happened after that.