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happydolphin said:
ishiki said:

Any game can be priced whatever they want it to. If they want to charge a million dollars they can.

I could argue uncharted should be in that category too. When Mario is just as fun. (I buy neither game and rent them both)

You can argue they'd make more profit lowering the price. but that's nintendos choice. Likely they've researched at what makes them the most money.

The question is "does the price match the value?", and the late sales of some of these types of games is beginning to show the faults in the traditional pricing for these games.

You can only rob for so long.

The answer to the question is a "yes". Mostly "Yes". They are flagship games for Nintendo and do not need to sell them at a lower price because they're still selling very decently at a fast pace. And yes, their value and replay value are huge.